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Hair Growth Tips for All

July 12, 2016

Hair is also called as the crowning glory. For men it represents the youth and vigor whereas for women it represents the beauty. Everyone wants to retain the youth and beauty. Our modern day lifestyle, stress and changes in diet have made us amenable to hair loss and baldness.

It is said that prevention is better than cure. Here are the few hair growth tips on how to stop hair fall and get healthy, shining and full hair. Remember that good general health and balanced diet goes a long way in maintaining the healthy hair and as hair fall treatment.

  • Do not experiment too much with chemical treatments, ironing, coloring, braiding and rebonding. Every treatment makes the hair a little brittle. If you must, give it enough care and do not do it too often.
  • Hair products:- Use a mild shampoo. Use a soft bristle comb. Use sponge roller. Use cold instead of hot dryers and use minimal chemicals. This small every day care will go miles in keeping you hair healthy.
  • Brush Magic:- Combing your hair properly can do wonders for your hair. A wide tooth comb, applied in wide strokes from head to tip helps in massaging the scalp. It also maintains oil balance. Avoid hair dryers and tight curlers.
  • Hair Growth treatment Tips available in kitchen:- Application of Onion juice, potato juice, egg white mask, apple cidar vinegar, lemon juice, coconut milk, henna pack, Green tea, lemon juice, crushed garlic, methi or fenugreek seeds etc is good for hair.
  • Massaging the scalp with one or combination of the following oils will increase the blood supply. It promotes hair growth treatment and prevents hair loss treatment. e.g. Vitamin E oil, coconut oil, rosemary oil, sage oil, lavender oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, castor oil etc.
  • Most important hair growth tip is avoid junk and processed food, aerated drinks, smoking and drinking.
  • Hair cleaning hair growth tip:- Use mild shampoo as per the type and texture of your hair instead of using the popular shampoo.Read more about best shampoo for hair.
  • Include vitamin and mineral rich fruits and vegetables, whole grains, carbohydrates, omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Include proteins rich foods like eggs, chicken, tofu, soybean; kidney beans etc, vitamin rich food like mango, papaya, orange, prunes, carrot etc, vitamin B rich food like potato, banana, chicken, oatmeal, fish and beans etc, vitamin C rich food like citrus fruits like amla, orange, kiwi, guava etc, vitamin E rich food like cereals, sunflower oil, soybean oil, tofu etc, Green vegetables, Fish and nuts in your diet.


Posted in Hair ReGrowth