One of the most common problem faced equally by men and women is hair fall. Hair shedding occurs due to hormonal changes, unhealthy diet, medication, pollution, lack of physical activity and stress full life. It is not that easy to stop your hair fall completely but, there are few things which can reduce the hair fall in a natural way. Changing lifestyle and food habits will be little challenging for you but, you should make few necessary changes in lifestyle for the treatment for hair fall. Sleepless nights over your hair loss can make you stressful, stop thinking about treatment for hair loss and book appointment with top hair specialist in Mumbai now.
Reverse Hair Fall with Diet and Lifestyle
Following some sure shot remedies for your hair fall treatment can help you to get the lustrous locks that you are always dreamt of.
Healthy Diet Habits
Diet plays a major role when it comes to hair health. Few nutrients such as B-complex, Vitamin D, zinc and iron maintain healthy and beautiful hair. Having a healthy, balanced diet like including variety of foods which provide adequate amounts of Vitamins and minerals can fill the
How to stop Hair Fall? is a most commonly asked question to any hair specialist. When you first report to a doctor for your hair fall problem, doctor would take a complete history about your hair fall issue before answering your question. It is very important to understand the exact reason for your hair fall problem. This will help the doctor in giving the treatment based on your requirement.
1. How to stop hair fall in androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness?
Male pattern baldness runs in the family and is associated with hormones. Hair fall in this condition can only be stopped with help of proper medications. Most important fact is that as soon as the medicine is stopped, hair fall will return. Medicines like minoxidil and finasteride are known to stop the hair fall with their continuous use. Hair fall in androgenic alopecia can also be stopped with the help of mesotharapy and PRP therapy. The advantage of these therapies is that it can be taken once in 3 to 6 months and need not be done daily. PRP therapy is completely natural and has no side effects. In case of baldness, hair transplant is the only option.
2. How to stop hair fall following childbirth & stress?
Hair fall following child birth and stressful
Hair loss is rampant in men and women of all ages. Stress, decreased nutrition, lack of sleep and genetics are some of the most common reasons for the hair loss. Hair loss follows a different pattern in men and women. Hair loss treatment helps in preventing thinning of hair. Regular hair oiling with massaging of the scalp helps to a certain extent in preventing hair loss. Protein rich diet for hair fall treatment does wonder to the hair. Along with all these remedies using the best shampoo for hair loss and the conditioner is mandatory. A leave on conditioner also works best. Following are the tips for choosing hair loss shampoo.
- The shampoo which contains amla, bhringaraj, mehndi, neem, tulsi and aloe-vera is best shampoo for hair loss. All these ingredients are beneficial for your hair growth. They will improve the quality of hair. While using the shampoo, leave it for 5 minutes on the hair and then rinse.
- Hair is the most important part of one’s personality as it frames the face and can be styled to make the face more attractive. Thinning of hair and loss of hair has a huge socio-psychological impact. Hair fall treatment and prevention is extremely important for retaining your good looks. Best hair growth adds exuberance to your personality. People spend billions of dollars on various styling of hair, hair growth products, hair oils, shampoos, various medicines and hair replacement products. Here are few hair fall prevention / hair growth tips or hair growth treatment to get that healthy, shining mane.
- Eat healthy :- Best hair growth can be achieved by watching what you eat regularly. Include vitamin and mineral rich fruits and vegetables, whole grains, carbohydrates, omega 3 fatty acids and protein rich food in your diet. Include proteins rich foods like eggs, chicken, tofu, soybean; kidney beans etc, vitamin rich food like mango, papaya, orange, prunes, carrot etc, vitamin B rich food like potato, banana, chicken, oatmeal, fish and beans etc, vitamin C rich food like citrus fruits like amla, orange, kiwi, guav
Male pattern and Female pattern hair loss both fall in the category of “Androgenetic alopecia” and are caused because of the male hormone DHT (Dihydrotestosterone). This is the most common type of hair loss.Over 90% of cases of hair loss are found to be Androgenetic Alopecia across the world.
Male pattern Hair Loss Treatment in Mumbai
When men generally talk about hair fall this is what they are talking about. In this hair get very thin in an M- shaped pattern. Over time the hair follicles will change and shrink leading to thinning hair and eventually baldness which is more commonly referred as Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). Though some medications can slow down the process of shrinking and thinning of hair follicles, the only permanent and effective solution to hair loss treatment for men is Hair Transplant.
Female pattern Hair Loss Treatment